Learn more about our pre-finished wood products!

What is our pre-finished wood?
Our pre-finished products have undergone a finishing process prior to pickup & installation. This includes sanding, staining (when applicable) and top coating the product with a sealer and top coat/s , making it ready for immediate use at pickup! Pre-finished wood products are a preferred option for homeowners and builders due to its hassle-free installation and low maintenance requirements.

The pre-finished wood options have become a popular choice among homeowners and builders alike due to several reasons:
1. Time saved at the job site as the pre-finished products come ready to be installed.
2. The quality that can be achieved in our finished wood products due to our controlled environment, precision sprayers and custom built sanding machine is exceptional!
3. We use high quality, water & oil based stains (depending on the applications) and some of the industry's best top coats ensuring longevity and a premium finished look!

The Process
Our pre-finished products undergo a rigorous process to ensure optimal quality. Prior to finishing, we sand each product and also between top coats for all interior products.
We hand rub our stains for interior applications to help with quality control. Additionally, our products are cured in a climate controlled environment to ensure maximum performance!